This collection of clothes is based on my own designed fabrics and is meant to popularize the use of historical and traditional aesthetics in contemporary clothing.
Reviving heritage pattern motives and ornaments with on this basis designing new patterns. From these ornaments, a completely new digitized blue-and-white designes is created, which is printed on the fabric by the digital printing method. Digital printing is one of the most environmentally friendly printing options. Printing only on organic natural fabrics.
Pattern motifs come from various Estonian museums: mostly from wooden printing blocks, with which were printed about 100 to 300 years ago and dyed with natural indigo (printed with a reserve print and after dyed or dyed with indigo before and then printed with an etche substance). Most probably hand block printing arrived to Estonia through Russia and it’s well-known that back then, indigo dye or „blue stone” was imported from Russia as well. There are much more extant hand blocks than textiles decorated using hand block technology. Independent masters and dying workshops practiced hand block printing. All the historic ornaments and patterns have a fantastic story to tell.